Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Long ago, I was a member of this mommy group based in Manila when the oiling wave reached the Philippines. It had been the talk everywhere in the group including the admins for months and as a new mom, it hit me likewise. I researched about it and was drawn back by the price offering back then of $160.00 US Market. The Philippine market was yet to open back then.

Fast forward to 3 years later, an officemate had her Premium Starter Kit delivered straight to our office. As she unboxed her kit, I was totally amazed as to how the Kit and oils look and smell of in actual. It was entirely a different experience. So I was like I want one! As in now na! LOL 😂

Quickly, I registered as a member after a friend sent me a personal message on Messenger offering a three-month lay away for a kit. That was last January 2019, the last batch with the PSK from the US market with the Desert Mist diffuser.

When I received my kit, all I did was diffuse Lavender and Lemon and Peppermint again and again and again. And looked for more diffuser blends there and tried it over. Oh gosh the first night we've diffused was like heaven. I get to sleep at once without the need to play on my mobile phone for hours to strain my eyes.

It had been an game changer ever since.

My daughter always hated the taste of antibiotics and paracetamols whenever she'll have a fever. And thanks to these oils, simple and consistent topical applications gets her temperature back to normal without the need for her to take medications.

My husband who has have an allergic rhinitis and keeps on coughing because per his complains his throat is always dry. I initially made a blend for him to aid his allergies but complains again that it is oily on the skin and reluctant to apply it as it smells bad. Thus, I made an essential oil blend and put it in an empty nasal inhaler. Voila! Coughing gone!

These are only a few of the changes I noticed since we've started oiling apart from the personal testimonies I have encountered.

Shoul you want to know more about essential oils logon here. Should you wish to grab a kit now, hit this link.